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Health Guidelines:
The months and years come in cycles. We may experience certain health conditions (such as those described below) which may go away, only to have them come back to us from time to time. Such health conditions may not necessarily indicate an illness.
Conditions you may experience this month:
(a) clogging of skin pores
(b) buildup of toxins in skin (eg. acne)
(c) dandruff
(d) hair loss
(e) claustrophobia, especially in warm rooms
Preventive measures to consider:
(1) rest more
(2) go for brisk walks
(3) drink more water
(4) keep body clean
(5) keep surroundings clean and hygienic
(6) avoid enclosed spaces (eg. studios)
When symptoms persist, please consult health professionals.
As diet is an integral part of our lifestyles, you may wish to consider the following foods during this month:
Baked Foods
Beer | Cider | Wine
Dried Fruits
Avocado | Banana | Coconut Water | Cucumber | Pomegranate | Tomato | Watermelon
Black Beans | Edamame | White Beans
Meats & Poultry
Processed Meats (eg. Sausages)
Brassica | Cabbage | Cauliflower | Celery | Lettuce | Onion | Spinach | Swiss Chard
Following ODORE products are natural and organic remedies which may be of value to you during this period (please click on product links):
Aloe Vera Moussey Hair Gel | Hair Again!
I am Ready to Go | Zodiac Gemini | Zodiac Virgo
Immunity & Respiration
Argan + Chamomile + Lemon | Cedarwood + Lavender + Rosemary