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ODORE Vision Statement
We aim to be the brand of choice for individuals and communities seeking to improve their physical and emotional well-being.
ODORE Mission Statement
We strive to offer affordable and high quality naturally-based products that may serve as alternative remedies for skin problems and body pains (physical and emotional), and to enhance home and work environments. Such products will be non-GMO, involve no animal testing, and contain no SLS, no parabens, no petroleum-derivatives.
ODORE Corporate Values
We stand by our core values of being sincere and honest with the people whom we encounter daily, be they our Customers, our Colleagues, our Suppliers, our Business Associates, and the communities at large that we serve. We believe that sincerity and honesty in our communications will lead to better understanding of mutual needs and sacrifices, and that this will serve us well as we navigate through the uncertainties and challenges ahead.