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Health Guidelines:
The months and years come in cycles. We may experience certain health conditions (such as those described below) which may go away, only to have them come back to us from time to time. Such health conditions may not necessarily indicate an illness.
Conditions you may experience this month:
(a) body ache, muscle spasm, muscle cramp
(b) sudden sharp stabbing pain in face and neck areas
(c) headache, throbbing pain on one side of head
(d) general unease, unexplained nervousness
(e) tiredness, exhaustion
(f) insomnia
Preventive measures to consider:
(1) rest more
(2) drink more water
(3) reduce intake of alcoholic drinks
(4) reduce intake of sugared drinks
(5) reduce intake of beans and lentils
When symptoms persist, please consult health professionals.
As diet is an integral part of our lifestyles, you may wish to consider the following foods during this month:
Dark Chocolate
Dairy (Low-Fat)
Cheese | Milk | Yoghurt
Carp | Halibut | Mackerel | Pollock | Salmon | Sardine
Avocado | Banana | Beechnut | Cherry | Fig | Grapefruit | Gooseberry | Lemon | Lime | Orange | Peach
Amaranth | Lentils | Oats | Peas | Quinoa | Rice | Tofu | Wheat
Meats & Poultry
Chicken | Pork | Turkey
Almond | Cashew | Chia | Flax | Pistachios | Pumpkin | Sunflower
Arugula | Asparagus | Bok Choy | Broccoli | Cabbage | Cauliflower | Collard Greens | Iceberg Lettuce | Kale | Mustard Greens | Romaine Lettuce | Spinach | Turnip Greens
Following ODORE products are natural and organic remedies which may be of value to you during this period (please click on product links):
Cedarwood | Lavender | Peppermint | Rosemary
Lavender | Peppermint
Lavender | Lavender + Rose-Geranium
Lavender | Peppermint | Rosemary | Unscented
Calm & Clear | I Love Myself | Zodiac Leo | Zodiac Aquarius
Lavender + Geranium | Grapefruit + Orange