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Magnesium Oils
When you buy magnesium oil, please check if the below "ZECHSTEIN INSIDE" logos are printed on the product labels:
Quality Logo on magnesium oils
bottled on and before 31 July 2024.

Quality Logo on magnesium oils
bottled after 31 July 2024.
Why would you check for "ZECHSTEIN INSIDE" logos on product labels?
Because "ZECHSTEIN INSIDE" means the magnesium oil you are buying is produced at the grade that is certified to be in accordance with the safety requirements for topical, cosmetic and medical applications as defined in EU cosmetic regulations (Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009).
"ZECHSTEIN INSIDE" also means the magnesium oil you are buying had not been chemically modified for selling (Regulation (EC) No. 987/2008).
Therefore, "ZECHSTEIN INSIDE" guarantees that the grade of magnesium oil being sold is of the highest natural quality that is suitable for skin applications.